What to expect in a session?
Just like your computer, your brain and body need to power down to upload new programs. This is what CranioSacral therapy does for you. During a session I will take you into a deep rest with gentle, hands-on support to a place where you can stop over heating your brain and allow for deep listening to your body and being.
Coming from the world of Osteopathy, CranioSacral therapy at its basic level is a light touch manual therapy. CranioSacral is not massage but rather a deep release while creating space to listen and let go of certain patterns within the body.
You will be fully clothed throughout the session. Once you are comfortable, we will begin to listen to your body as I use hands on gentle adjustments to help everything keep flowing and assess where your body is moving and where it may be stuck.
You may experience discomfort as something is releasing. You may fall asleep on the table. You may cry. We never know what will show up as we stay quiet and allow the body to heal. There’s a whole world inside and outside of you to connect with.