3 Myths About Your Core

There are a LOT of exercise programs out there in the web-o-sphere. And there are even more opinions of exercise, fitness, and what health looks like. But most of it’s total B.S.! 

(PSA- some of it is actually sound science based information. So do your due diligence please.)

Below are 3 myths about your core and exercise that I’ve broken down for you.

  1. Abs are the key to zero back pain.

This is quite untrue and has little to no science backing it.

And anecdotally, I did all the abs in my 20s and was in chronic back pain. Not until I addressed my nervous system and how to move better for my body, did the back pain alleviate. This means that resting is one of the first steps in helping back pain. Next is to slowly strengthen supporting structures. But please don’t concern yourself with a 6 pack abs or doing 100 crunches a day… unless that’s your jam. Then by all means- go for it.

2. The Core is abs.

Nope. Nada. I can’t even. Your core is truly your spine- your center- and all of the surrounding supportive muscles like… deep spinal muscles (multifidi, rotatores,etc), , erector spinae, pelvic floor, diaphragm, psoas, plus all the layers of your abdominals and more. So again- doing a million crunches could leave you feeling like you’ve done something, but it’s not the whole picture. Core work has to do some with alignment; a balance between stability and mobility; and how it all works together.

3. Exercise is NOT everything.

There are so many factors that enter into your overall health and wellbeing. Exercise is only one aspect. How you spend the rest of your day matter too: movements, postures, desk set up, factory settings, lugging kids around, moving furniture, cleaning, cooking, driving, and the list goes on. Of course there’s also your nutrition/diet, genetics, stress levels, environment, and mental health.

All of this matters too. To stay within my scope, I’ll only speak to the exercise part. We humans get good at what we do. So if you exercise for 1 hour but sit for 8-12 or assume “meh” postures the rest of the day. It’s better than not exercise, but it’s not going to automatically give you magical health. Instead try to clock your daily movement. Take breaks. Walk. Stretch. Lunge. Breathe. Use your phone, use an app, write it in your notebook- whatever works for you to take breaks to move.

If you want to start somewhere, you can use this quick 10 minute Refining Core class.

In this upcoming month of movement planners, the theme will be redefining your core. This means you get to unlearn and relearn movements that help you connect to your breath, your body and how to move in a way that works for you- not anyone else!

If you’re not already signed up to get weekly movement plans, click HERE to sign up now.

Until next time, keep moving.



Nicole Watkins