Upgrade your posture in under 10 minutes

Posture is like work-life balance. It’s cumulative. It’s not static or rigid. And yes- you can shift it.

That being said… you may have to work at it. Especially if you spend long periods of time hunched over a phone, computer, kitchen, or even a newborn baby. 

You get good at what you do most. So if you’re spending a lot of time doing any of those things listed above, then you probably have one or more of the following:

  • Neck and shoulder tension

  • Rounded shoulders

  • Low back discomfort

  • Neck or shoulder pain

  • Tension in your chest

  • Forward head

The list could go on because it’s all connected. But how do you change it?

You interrupt your normal pattern with looking up and out, stretching, reaching your arms overhead, and of course, breathing well. Start with this short video of simple shoulder stretches. You’ll use a broom stick or a towel rolled up lengthwise to hold your shoulder alignment accountable.

As always, move at your own pace. If you feel pinching or pain, then don’t do it. If your body feels good moving this way, I encourage you to do this everyday… maybe even a few times a day to continually reset.

Until next time, keep moving.



Nicole Watkins