Unlocking Core Stability with Foam Roller Pilates: More Than Just Rolling

There are many uses and benefits to using your foam roller that go beyond tissue release. You can use it to improve your core stability and transform your alignment and posture. The video below is the perfect antidote to being hunched at the computer or if you’ve been lugging things (like kiddos) around, and especially if you’ve been nursing or feeding a newborn. It will help reset your upper back and neck posture while also give you ways to gently build mindful core stability.

Why Foam Roller Pilates?

  • Improved Posture: Using a foam roller adds an element of challenge to your Pilates routine, forcing you to engage your core muscles and align your spine properly. Over time, this leads to improved posture in everyday life.

  • Enhanced Core Strength: Core stability isn't just about aesthetics; it's about functional strength. A foam roller provides proprioception and instability, helping you build a strong, balanced core.

  • Better Balance: The roller forces you to find your center of gravity, improving your balance and stability, which is crucial for overall physical health.

  • Flexibility and Mobility: Incorporating the foam roller into your Pilates routine helps release tight muscles and improve flexibility. It's not just about strengthening; it's about achieving a balanced range of motion.

  • Spine-Safe Movement: You can perform spine-safe exercises that are gentle yet effective, making it suitable for individuals with conditions like osteoporosis, stenosis, or herniated discs.

Click below to start working on your core stability with the Foam Roller.

These are just a few of the many non-leg rolling things you can do with your foam roller.

If you are itching for more, grab your 15 minute Pilates class HERE. You’ll get full body tune up.

Until next time, keep moving!
